
TechOPS Virtual Conference 2022 Login Now Register Now

10 March, 2022 | 10:00am - 5:00pm

TechOPS Awards 2022

As the name suggests, TechOPS Awards are given away to organisations across industries that demonstrate innovative use of digital automation platforms for distinct benefits to the stakeholders. This includes deploying automation solutions like RPA, AI, etc to gain a competitive edge, improve operations, become more responsive to customers and partners or, simply, to add to the top or bottom line.

Nominations from organisations are sought for the TechOPS Awards across the different technology categories. While the categories span across technologies, the nominations should only be filed with respect to the automation done in the respective category.

For e.g.
‘Analytics and Big Data’ - How automation has helped in getting the best out of the analytics and big data programmes;
‘Data Centres’ (How automation has been used to enhance data centre efficiency).

The nominations will be shortlisted, reviewed, and judged by a panel of Editors from the Express Computer team, and the winners will be felicitated at TechOPS (THU, March 10, 2022)


  • Any Indian organisation
  • While multiple nominations can be submitted, each nomination must be submitted separately
  • The system, project or solution for which nomination is sought should have been implemented in the year 2022
  • Submissions with wrong or inadequate information will be considered invalid
  • Entrants must agree to be featured, along with their nominated system and organization, in Express Computer and other Express Group publications
  • The last date for filing nominations is Friday, March 4th, 2022


  • The judging panel is on the lookout for organisations that have broken new ground in using automation systems/initiatives/projects in adding value to their customers or in solving pain issues
  • Clearly spell out the goals that your organization was trying to achieve with the initiative or project
  • Provide as many details or numbers as you can about the nominated project, including project dates, timelines, history, milestones, costs, etc

1. Nomination

2. Nominated Project

About the Nominated Project:

In case of any clarifications or questions, please send us a mail to
[email protected] +91 9930 445 860

Express Computer is one of India’s most respected IT media brands and has been in publication for 29 years. We cover trends and developments in e-governance and enterprise technology in its entirety; including processors, storage, networking, wireless, business applications, cloud computing, analytics, green initiatives and insights that help companies make the most of their ICT investments.

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